What risks are there in letting my child play video games?
What signs should I watch for that my child is playing too much?
How do I notice if my child has a problem with video games?
Should I let my child spend on games? Is there an ideal limit?
What are the risks of letting my child have access to credit card information?
Questions by topic:
My child doesn’t play
At what age can I let my
child play video games?
Is it the same to play on a
tablet, cellphone, computer,
or console?
How much time is it healthy
for me to let my child play?
What dangers are there in
letting my child play video
What is the best game for
each age?
My child already plays
What rules should I establish
for my child to play?
What signs should I watch
for that my child is playing
too much?
Every time I ask my
child to turn it off, we
argue, what should I
My child never stops playing
when agreed upon, what
should I do?
I can’t do anything else with
my child, the only thing he
accepts is playing video
games. Is it okay for me to
play with him?
My child plays a lot
How do I notice if my child
has a problem with video
He doesn’t accept any rules
or agreements about the
game, what should I do?
My child doesn’t want to do
anything, just play video
games, what should I do?
I try to set a schedule for my
child, but he says his friends
can play as long as they
want. I’m afraid he’ll be
excluded, what should I do?
My child has an older sibling
or parent who also plays,
and he wants to play the
games they play, what
should I do?
Regarding the use
of money in games
Should I let my child spend
on games? Is there an ideal
What are the risks of letting
my child have access to
credit card information?
When should I worry about
my children’s spending on
What should I do if I notice
that my child is spending too
Why does my child continue
to spend even after I scold
him or tell him he can’t?
What can I do to make
my child spend less on
video games?